Every color, including no-color (blind deboss) gets its own pass through the press and is charged as such.
Stick with line art or a halftone: Any area of solid ink larger than 1/4” sq. may print mottled. Floods of color are not recommended. Letterpress excels at nicely balanced line work. If you want an area to appear to have full coverage, consider using a halftone or a printing via giclee beforehand. I can provide this service.
Point size of type should not dip below 8 pt in most cases. Some faces work better than others. I have found that thin san serif fonts can perform well if you are planning for very small letters.
Small letters spaced very close to one another may appear larger and may appear to be closer together when printed. Consider expanding your letter spacing.
Depending on your design, your one color design may require more than one pass through the press. For example, if your design has one area that is heavy with elements , and another area with very little else than one small element with lots of empty space surrounding it, it will be challenging to print both of these accurately with one run.